Download Bir Jwhwlao Bodo Song Lyrics | Kailas Basumatary

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" Bir Jwhwlao " Song is all about Swrbang Subung Matyrs Bihuram Boro's Song, written by Kamla Kanta Boro and Sung by Famous Bodo Singer Kailas Basumatary.


Boro thunly bir Jwhwlao ni
Swrbang subung mugkhlong Bihuramni
Faliby thunly afada, miru nangwi
Jothumby harigedema, hadwd nagwi
Sonani hangkhwjwng mung khwo bini
Thunly Mulungao thangna nwi thathwng
Olongber jananwi jwngby thathwng
Bini munga omorwi thathwng
Olongber jananwi jwngby thathwng
Bini munga omorwi thathwng
Boro thunly...

Baonw haya bini Hari sibiny
Thunly jwoga hwnaykhwo
Nagar haya Boro hariya
Jarimina lagwn gwbana bikhwo
Biyw rojoni gondha Boro thunlyni
Mwnse gwthwo lwithwma thunly mulugni
Raikhosi bublini Maya gelenayao
Obritni khurwiyao biskhwo ludernayao
Adra thaby jwhwlwo. 
Nwngni thunly swrjiny
Boro thunly...

Be dukhuni dinao thunlykhwo fehernw
Swrba sandwngbwla
Harini ainayao swmkhe dakhwnkhwo swrba nudwngbwla
Wngkhar bwnangwn, unduna datha
Jwblangwn hariya thiyari jakha
Rao, harimu, Jwngni thunlykhwo
Fwthang nangwn khwose jana
Rao, harimu Jwngni thunlykhwo
Fwthang nangwn khwose Jana. 

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