Download Moromi Logori Assamese Song Lyrics

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🎵  Song NameMoromi Logori
🎤Artist / SingerJitul Sonowal,Kavita
🎬  AlbumNiribili Godhuli

Moromi Logori Song Lyrics (Album- Niribili Godhuli )

English :

O moromi logori, asa buku juri
Najaba atori, duronile.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.

O moromi logori, asa buku juri
Najaba atori, duronile.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.

Moromor bhakhare, dusokut akisa
Thunuka hopunor sobi. tumi
Nirakhar andharot, okole asu moi
Akhare sakiti jolala tumi

Hopun ee mur jiwanar
Apun tumi moromor
Dibane hun suma hadoror
Dusokute. ulahote.

O moromi logori, asa buku juri
Najaba atori, duronile.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.
Monore akakhot, ahila tumiei
Horote ona meghali. hoi
Moromor juriti bukute hupale
Ahime je boi nijora hoi

Moromore hagorot, abegorei juarot
Ami duiu milim ukhahot
Bilin hoi, jonomoloi.

O moromi logori, asa buku juri
Najaba atori, duronile.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.

Moromore logori, thakim jibon juri
Najao moi atori, duronile.
Tumar mitha matot hurot, morom hore.
Tumar mitha matot hurot, morom hore.
Oho ho ho.
Tumar lahi porokh lagi, hopun hore.
La la la la la.
Tumar mitha matot hurot, morom hore.

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