Download Siri Siri Mwthw Mwthw Bodo Song Lyrics | Zubeen Garg

SPD Web Team


Singer : Zubeen Garg


Siri siri mwthw mwthw

Moharani nwngni gwswao angni

Siri siri mwthw mwthw

Moharani nwngni gwswao angni

Rwhw rwhw.... rwmw rwmw

Jujaini or badi dwmw dwmw

Khamgly hwbai ang dinwi fagla jabai

Ho hoo...

Nwi laimwn ang dinwi fagla jabai

Siri siri mwthw mwthw

Moharani nwngni gwswao angni

Mini khwirwywi guli guli

Gele fwiywi angjwng nwng sankhi hor

Mini khwirwywi guli guli

Gele fwiywi angjwng nwng sankhi hor

Janw sukh gwila lwgnw sukh gwila

Megonao unduny gwila, gwswa benga benga

Siri siri mwthw mwthw

Moharani nwngni gwswao angni

Bungnw sanblabw bungnw haya

Swngnw swngnw nongblabw swngnw haya

Lajinai gwswa angkhwo dinwi

Sannaini lwithwao sansri hwby

Ma khalambaonw ma mabaonw

Jarlasw mwnbai angw

Jarlasw mwnbai mathw

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