Dwonload Rodali Dugalot Assamese Song Lyrics | Amar Jit Nath | Chandon

SPD Web Team

 Song – Rodali Dugalot.

Singer – Amar Jit Nath.

Lyrics – Chandan.

Music Compose – Amar Jit Nath.

Rodali dugalot tumi rong noloba dei

Tumi rong noloba dei,

Xusita xhajere ulai thakiba

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Rodali dugalot tumi rong noloba dei

Tumi rong noloba dei,

Xusita xhajere ulai thakiba

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Rupe ronge sora jun tora nelage

Fulam koi gamusha boi dibo nelage.

Rupe ronge sora jun tora nelage

Tumi kotha kole aane xopun rose.

Moi ow xopun rosu tumi jana.

Rodali dugalot tumi rong noloba dei

Tumi rong noloba dei,

Xusita xhajere ulai thakiba

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Gawore suali xhaje-paate xuwoni

Ruwoni dawoni monot ase kijani,

Gawore suali xhaje-paate xuwoni

Tumi kotha kole aane xopun rose.

Moi ow xopun rosu tumi jana.

Rodali dugalot tumi rong noloba dei

Tumi rong noloba dei,

Xusita xhajere ulai thakiba

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Rodali dugalot tumi rong noloba dei

Tumi rong noloba dei,

Xusita xhajere ulai thakiba

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

Teneke vaale lage, dexhile vaale lage.

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